New Blog Design, and New Schedule!

Hi everyone! ❤

As you can see, I have a whole new blog design, and I’m really anxious to know what to guys think!

I was really going for a minimalist theme, and it’s kinda working. The most thing I love about my new design is my new sidebar! I love the picture that I chose (it was me before I went to a wedding).


So nowadays, I’m trying to be aesthetic, and minimalist about my blog, and even myself. I’ve been working hard, and have been editing almost everything. My featured image (I HAVE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE, AND IT’S SO EXHAUSTING), my pages, my about me, stuff like that.

Lot’s of thing changed including my schedule. I have gone from 5 days a week to 4 days a week. This might not get me a lot of stats as I used too, but I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m more concerned with the fact that I HAD A HUGE CASE OF ACNE from this schdeule.

Monday – A discussion post

Tuesday – A discussion post

Wednesday – A meme

Thursday- A book review

Honestly, not much has changed! Just one less day of a discussion post, which can make a big difference. My divider also changed from this



to this


but I’m not feeling this one, so anyone have any suggestions? Please?????

My featured images also changed from this


tooo this!


I like this one better! I love the new fonts I downloaded. They are so beautiful.


i also love my new ‘talk to me’ sign. It’s called “Children of the Starlight”, and the font I used for my Featured images is called “skea”. What do you think about my design? What can I work on? And what new divider should I use??????? Should it be an arrow, a line, or something??? SEND HELP PLS! 

27 thoughts on “New Blog Design, and New Schedule!

  1. I noticed your new blog design the other day, and it’s beautiful! The font you use for featured images and your header is GORGEOUSSSS, and your featured images are so pretty as well! Hmm… for the blog divider, I feel like it went with your theme of b&w (or at least that’s the vibe I’m getting) so it looks cool to me? Maybe make it a bit smaller, idk. Hope that helps a little! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was noticing your new design a few days ago, and it is so beautiful of professional! There isn’t one thing I would change. Your profile photo is gorgeous! While your old divider was pretty, this one looks far more sophisticated. I don’t know how you ever posted five times a week! I wouldn’t live! I spend way too much time on my posts.

    ~ Pip

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The new arrow does abide to your minimalist theme, but maybe something different, like asterisk breakers would set it apart more. I love that you’re trying minimalist, and your photo is cute!

    Liked by 1 person

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