Tokyo Ghoul (Volume 1)


Title: Tokyo Ghoul (Volume 1)

Author: Isui Ishida

Blurb: Shy Ken Kaneki is thrilled to go on a date with the beautiful Rize. But it turns out that she’s only interested in his body—eating it, that is. When a morally questionable rescue transforms him into the first half-human half-Ghoul hybrid, Ken is drawn into the dark and violent world of Ghouls, which exists alongside our own.



What. Just. Happened.

Recently I took a new interest in Manga (anime graphic novels like, Naruto, and Fairytail) and decided that Tokyo Ghoul would be my first manga read. I didn’t know it was going to be this intense. This awesome!


In manga  anything can happen, and it will sound completely logical  in your head. This was one of those manga’s that can totally freak you out, but sound logical.

If that make sense.

18-year-old Kaneki has been living an ordinary life. He goes to college, has a best friend, and has a secret crush on a really cute girl. One day the girl asks him out on a date. Turns out the girl is actually a ghoul and wants to eat him. Just his luck. Kaneki manages to avoid Riza (the ghoul) attacks. By luck or by fate he gets out alive, but in severe need of an organ transplant. Unaware that the Riza (who is now dead) is a ghoul, the doctors transplant Riza’s organ to Kaneki’s body. Now, he is a ghoul hybrid.  Now he has to survive being killed by other ghouls or being caught by humans. Luckily, he makes some friends to help…

First off I liked that Kaneki started out as a normal boy, and as he learned about the ghoul world, we learned it with him. I cannot tell you how many times I start a book, and it has a really confusing beginning.

This novel was also very creative, but still had a chilling effect on you. The suspense,a dn drama created by the athour is very intense, and keeps on pushing you. It’s so dark, and scary. But its one of the best graphic novels I ever read.



Kaneki – Kaneki, Kaneki where to star with you. In the beginnings, I found his self-esteem not that high, and him himself very weak. I suspect that as the books continue he will become stronger, and more sure of himslef. But now he is starting to tick me off with all theat “I’m so weak, I can;t do nothing”. But other than that, I find him a very good main character. He even reminds me of me. He is quite, and shy, and loved to read books!

Touka – Ahh the character that acts so tough, but broken inside. Sound like EVERY SINGLE GIRL CHARACTER OUT THERE! I’m not saying that women being bada** is a problem. I’m saying that all these tough chicks are getting  a little too old. Touka acts a genuine tough chick. And I think she got some (so tiny) feels for Kaneki! I do not know much about her from Volume 1.  So I cannot write about her in-depth. She is also a very enjoyable character


This took me longer than usual because I just stopped and stared at the artwork for so long. It was beautiful, and admiring.


continue 4 stars! I’m posting a mini review for the next book hopefully, tomorrow!

6 thoughts on “Tokyo Ghoul (Volume 1)

      1. I’m currently a few volumes into Tokyo Ghoul and I think I’ve read a few One Piece, but I loved the anime way more (I have only seen around 200 episodes though). Is there anything else you’re interested in?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. This is amazing! I also enjoyed Attack on Titan, but the anime. There’s so many manga to read! Do you have an MyAnimeList account? You could manage your manga and anime there!


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